Marcela's Portfolio

Insights and How Might We (HMW)

To better organise and keep track of our findings from primary and secondary research, we compiled our main insights. With those in mind, we used How Might We (HMW) to generate solutions that solve real user problems.
How might we make recommendations more relevant to each user?
How might we support users in solving errors more efficiently?
How might we make it easier for the users to keep track of their past activity?
How might we make the watching experience more seamless?
How might we categorise content so that it can be easier for users to find?
How might we redesign the interface so that users can navigate it more easily and efficiently?
How might we make users feel confident they have all the information they need?
How might we support users in finding more relevant results to their search?
How might we showcase original content in a more natural and personalised manner?