We did some sketches on paper to better visualize and structure ideas from previous stages.
Options for the mobile Home page

Options for the mobile Category page

Options for the mobile Product page

From the sketches, we made a paper prototype and had a round of usability tests with 3 people to identify the option that would work best for the users. This time, some of the observations included:
- 2 out of 3 prefer to see all the main categories on the home page;
- They feel familiarised with the menu on the upper left corner and think it's easier to navigate;
- On the category page, most users said it felt a bit confusing to see a product picture, then copy about the category and then the other products;
- All users prefer a grid view on the category page, because they can scan the products more effectively;
- On the product page, they said swiping sideways is more intuitive;
- Users prefer selecting their size and then add product to bag (as a separate process) as opposed to clicking 'add to bag' to see available sizes;
- All users said they like the related ('you may also like') and similar products sections inside the product page, as it can show them more options and combinations.
Then we proceeded to create wireframes and refine the ideas.